Manjula Koralegedara, professor of 化学, with MC students.


生物化学, 生物、化学, 环境管理, 教学许可, 在进行职前培训计划

  • 主要的



在自然科学系内, 最火的十个赌博软件提供生物化学专业, 生物学, 化学, 以及环境管理. We also offer minors in 生物学, 化学, environmental science, 以及环境管理.

Our student-focused research facility has dedicated labs and equipment for you to have full access to all the laboratory technology, 从第一天开始积累经验. 因为你的课堂和实验室都很小, you’ll receive individual attention from faculty members—not a teaching assistant. 这会让你的关系在college毕业后继续发展.

You’ll begin research your junior year and select a research project based on your unique interests. 这有助于你学习如何阅读和分析科学数据, 写提案, make a scientific presentation and then become the lead author of your own paper that is published in the college’s science journal, Cantaurus. Your research experience will make you a competitive candidate for graduate and doctoral programs.



最火的十个赌博软件 is selecting twenty new Health Professions Scholars who will receive 每年25000美元的奖学金 成为这个开创性项目的一员. Health Professions Scholars will commit to participating in the development of signature outreach programs with McPherson Hospital and the community and will be guaranteed one internship per year.


  • 生物化学

  • 生物学

  • 化学

  • 环境管理


理科生Keisha England
  • “我得到的支持是难以置信的... 这一切都为我进入医学院做了准备.”

    Keisha England '19, 生物化学

    When Keisha learned of the high percentage of 最火的十个赌博软件 students who apply to graduate school are accepted and that it would be affordable for her attend, 她的决定很容易.

  • “研究方面非常独特. I was better prepared than many of the students I competed against."

    帕克斯·沃尔特斯19岁, 生物化学

    Wolters was among the 最火的十个赌博软件 seniors that presented capstone projects at the annual meeting of the Kansas Academy of Science where he placed first in oral presentations.

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  • 自然科学未成年人

    生物、化学, Environmental Science, 环境管理

  • 教学许可


  • 在进行职前培训计划

    Pursue a program which will prepare you for specialized training or advanced study beyond a bachelor’s degree. 所属领域:, 整骨疗法, 牙科, 验光, 足部医疗, 药店, 物理治疗/医师助理, 兽医.

经历 & 结果
